7 Ways of Targeting People on Facebook

There are 7 ways of targeting people on Facebook and they are as follows -

1. Basic Demographic -

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Language
2. Advance Demographic
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Marital Status
  • Parenting Status
  • Years of Engagement
  • Long-Distance Relationship
  • Education Level
  • Type of Education
  • Life Events
3. Internet-Based Targeting (Keyword Specific)
  • Cooking
  • Cycling
  • Competitor Liking
  • Traveling
  • Food Blogging
4. Behavioral Targeting (Keyword Specific)
  • Expats
  • Mobile Device
  • Operating System
  • Facebook Page Admins
  • Tech Adoptors
  • Business Travelers and many more...
5. Custom Audience
  • Website Visitors
  • Email Database
  • Look-a-like Audience
Now, let us look at the meaning of  Remarketing for Facebook

Remarketing is a type of technology that shows Ads for your business to people after they have visited your website, used your mobile app or given you their email address. This can be done easily for Facebook and other Social Media Websites or Apps as well.


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